I work to better understand how global economic power is deployed and contested, particularly how US foreign policy and international financial institutions shape the development of low- and middle-income countries.
My work on sanctions, US foreign policy, and macroeconomics, among other issues, has been cited by outlets such as The New York Times, The Washington Post, and The Wall Street Journal. I aim to shape debates around global governance, the international financial architecture, and the potential for a more democratic and equitable global economy. After working in both US-focused and international policy research in Washington, DC, I am completing a graduate degree in Economics at John Jay College.
In the past, I’ve written extensively about the US labor market, Social Security, the (sometimes false) promises of technology and the “future of work”, alongside other topics, and worked as a regulator for carbon market programs. I’ve also consulted for UN agencies, think tanks, and civil society organizations.
MA in Economics (expected 2025)
CUNY John Jay
BA in Political Science and Biological Chemistry
Grinnell College
How effective was assistance to the vulnerable countries during the pandemic? Comparing the Debt Service Suspension Initiative and Special Drawing Rights, with Lara Merling, Ovidius University Annals, Economic Sciences Series
Special Drawing Rights: The right tool to use to respond to the pandemic and other challenges, with coauthors, Challenge
Book review: Darrell M. West, The Future of Work: Robots, AI, and Automation, Review of Keynesian Economics
What Happened in Bolivia’s 2019 Vote Count?, with coauthors, Challenge
Special Drawing Rights one year later: By the numbers, with Andrés Arauz, Center for Economic and Policy Research (CEPR)
Special Drawing Rights could help recover millions of export-related US jobs, and create even more, CEPR
Republican Senate leadership on IMF Special Drawing Rights (SDRs): A fact check, with Mark Weisbrot, CEPR
Stick shift: Autonomous vehicles, driving jobs, and the future of work, with coauthors, Center for Global Policy Solutions
Life after debt in Puerto Rico: How many more lost decades?, with coauthors, CEPR
Biden price hike? The nexus of foreign policy and economic crisis, Responsible Statecraft
A week after the coup in Bolivia, there’s still no proof of electoral fraud, Jacobin
US sanctions are designed to kill, with Cavan Kharrazian, Jacobin
There is no alternative to managing the economy and the climate, MR Online
Social Security trustees consistently agree: The program is well-funded, with Adewale Maye, Common Dreams
Don’t be afraid of robots: Technology is what we make of it, Naked Capitalism
Cities need more public transit, not more Uber and self-driving cars, BillMoyers.com